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Exercise 5 - Activity 1


In this activity, you will filter the List page of the incidents table and find the record we will be referencing in this exercise.


  1. Click on the Workspaces menu item. LAB2050_EX5A1_image_1.png

  2. Select the Service Operations Workspace option. LAB2050_EX5A1_image_2.png

  3. Click on the list icon in the L1 menu on the left (if not there already). LAB2050_EX5A1_image_3.png

  4. Click on the All list under "Incidents" in the list menu. LAB2050_EX5A1_image_4.png

  5. Click on the three dot menu next to the “Number” column header on the list to open the column filtering popover. This defaults to a “contains” operator. LAB2050_EX5A1_image_5.png

  6. Type “INC0000050” into the text field. LAB2050_EX5A1_image_6.png

  7. Click Apply to apply the filter to the list to find the incident record. LAB2050_EX5A1_image_7.png

  8. Open the incident by selecting the record number. LAB2050_EX5A1_image_8.png

  9. Click on the Details tab to view the form. LAB2050_EX5A1_image_9.png

  10. Click on the Avatar Menu in the top right corner to access configuration options. LAB2050_EX5A1_image_10.png

  11. Expand “Configure page” by pressing the down arrow.


If you don't see "Configure page", try refreshing your browser.


  1. Select the Form Layout option to open the form configuration in a new browser tab. LAB2050_EX5A1_image_12.png

  2. Click Try form builder. LAB2050_EX5A1_image_13.png