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Welcome to Build Along Month

You & I Builder Live


For the month of August, You & I Builder Live will host “Build Along Month”, where developers will have the opportunity to follow along as Brad and Maria Gabriela build a ServiceNow application from scratch in UI Builder using Agile methodology.

Our goal in “Build Along Month” is to help you:

  • Become more familiar with UI Builder
  • Learn more about UX concepts
  • Get real-life experience using Agile as you might in your job as a Developer or Administrator
  • Prepare you for future job opportunities

These stories will guide you through building an application that will allow an end user to go to conferences or other networking events and grab information quickly from people they meet so they can follow up later. It's meant to be quick to use - Users can whip out their phone, open the form, put in the information needed, and then keep moving on to the next session.

Here are the livestreams where you can watch us working through the UI Builder stories:


If you have any feedback about this project, want to contribute more stories, or want to provide helpful links for any of the stories below, drop by the discussions section of this github repository and let us know. Please use labels to tag your posts appropriately, and thanks in advance!

There will be a changelog maintained at the bottom of the page, and the github repository, to keep track of changes as they are published.

Here is the list of known issues that you might encounter.

Project Approach


What is a story?

Where to go if you are stuck

Share your Success!

Setting up your instance


Stories with a 🔩 (nuts and bolt) icon are UI Builder stories, most are going to be covered as part of the You & I Builder Live livestreams.

Some stories might have an ℹ️ icon next to their title. This opens the Hints modal, where we might provide some resources you can use to achieve your goals. It won't necessarily be something demonstrating the specific story you're working on, but it should demonstrate concepts related to the story that should help you get started.

As a
I want to
So that
Acceptance Criteria
STRY0001: Create Contact Entry Page
Conference attendee
Have a page where I can enter a person's contact information
I can easily and quickly add the contact information for someone I meet
The blank page has been created in UI Builder under the U&I Conference notes Workspace experience.
Note: if you encounter an error stating "Private application scope" when you go to build ...
STRY0002: Create page layout for Contact Entry Page
Conference attendee
Have an easy and intuitive user interface and page layout
I can navigate the page and functions of this application without frustration or hindrances
Create a page layout that is easy to use, feel free to get as creative as you'd like. You can do as much design or as little design as you want.
STRY0003 (version 1): Add Form Component Bundle to the Contact Entry Pageℹ️
Conference attendee
Have a form I can put details in to
I can grab the contact's information quickly
The Form Component Bundle and form controller are correctly configured on the page.
STRY0003 (version 2): Add fields to the Contact Entry Page (Challenge Mode)ℹ️
Conference attendee
Have a form I can put details in to
I can grab the contact's information quickly
This is the challenge mode version of the story above. It's recommended you use the Form Component Bundle, but if you'd like a challenge then feel free to continue. Make sure to read the Hints panel f...
STRY0004: Display Confirmation Messageℹ️
Conference attendee
See a display message upon form submission
I know the data has been successfully saved
  • A confirmation message is displayed after form submission.
  • The message confirms that the data has been saved.
STRY0005: Add "Create Another Entry" Button below confirmation messageℹ️
Conference attendee
See "Create another entry" button after the confirmation message
I can quickly add a new record after saving previous record
  • A "Create another entry" button appears after the confirmation message.
  • Clicking the button resets the form for a new entry.
STRY0006: L1 menu configurationℹ️
Conference attendee
Be able to quickly access the Contact Entry Page
I can quickly create a new contact record
The L1 menu has a button below the home page button that directs to the Contact Entry Page.
STRY0007: Configure the UX list pageℹ️
Conference attendee
Click on a button to see who I haven't reached back out to
I can quickly see who I need to reach out to
The UX list page on the workspace displays another list under the "Contact" category, below "all" that shows only users that have the "Reached out to" checkbox unchecked.
STRY0008: Configure secondary items for contact record pageℹ️
Conference attendee
Be able to see some more information about the contact record at a glance
I can have more information handy without needing to scroll through the form
The following fields are displayed below the contact's name on the contact record page: organization, job title, event name.
STRY0009: Create new "Contact tasks" table
Conference attendee
Be able to assign myself tasks to do for each contact
I can keep track of what I have already done with the contact record
The contact tasks table should extend the Tasks table.
STRY0010: Add contact tasks related list to the contact record page
Conference attendee
See a list of contact task records on the records page
I can see what my next steps are
The contact tasks table related list should display next to the details tab on the record page.
STRY0011: Landing Page configurationℹ️
Conference attendee
Be able to see what pending tasks I might have at a glance
I can easily manage all my contacts in this app
Configure the landing page to have the following information:
  • Total number of contacts
  • Number of contacts I haven't reached out to yet
  • Number of contacts I am waiting on.
STRY0012: Configure Greeting notificationℹ️
Conference attendee
Have an email be sent out to the contact once it's created
I can share my contact information and other details with the contact I added
The email includes a thank-you message and the user's contact information.
STRY0013: Configure Automated Email Flowℹ️
Conference attendee
Have an automated email that is configurable
An email is automatically sent to the contact's email address based on settings I configure including my digital contact info.
  • A flow is triggered upon creating a new contact record that does the following: (Feel free to add more)
  • Send the "Greeting" email to the contact's email address.
  • Create "follow...
STRY0014: Create Scheduled Jobℹ️
Conference attendee
Be reminded if there are any contact records that I haven't reached out to
I can make sure to reach out to my contacts in a timely manner
The scheduled job should run once a month, and should send the user a report with any contacts where "Reached out" to is false.
STRY0015: Create "Conference App User" group
ServiceNow Admin
Have a group created for this app
Managing this app's users and roles is easier
The user group is created.
STRY0016: Assign "Conference App User" group the "x_snc_bam_you_i_0.user" roleℹ️
ServiceNow Admin
Assign this role to the group
I can manage users and roles using best practice
The user group has the role assigned to it.
STRY0017: Add Chuck Tomasi to "Conference App User" groupℹ️
ServiceNow Admin
Assign Chuck to this group
I can learn how to assign users to groups
Chuck Tomasi user is assigned the Conference App User group.
STRY0018: Create catalog itemℹ️
End user
Ask for access to this application
I can track the contact information of people I meet at events
Catalog item should be created to request access to the "Conference App User" group.
STRY0019: Create SLA for contact tasks
Conference attendee
Be reminded about outstanding contact tasks
I can make sure to reach out to my contacts in a timely manner
When a contact task is created, have an SLA generate to remind the user to address the task. Remind the user once it reaches 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days.
STRY0020: Create application menu for unified navigationℹ️
ServiceNow Admin
Provide navigation access for my app's custom tables
It's easier for me to go in and see the data.
The application menu should be called "U&I Conference Notes".
STRY0021: Create application menu item for unified navigation to go directly to contacts table
Conference attendee
Provide navigation access for my app's custom tables
It's easier for me to go in and see the data.
Under the "U&I Conference Notes" application menu item, there should be the following:
  • All Contacts
  • All Contact Tasks
STRY0022: Format the Phone Number field (server side)ℹ️
Conference attendee
See appropriate formatting for my application's fields
Everything looks more professional.
The phone number entered in the field is appropriately formatted to a standard format. (You decide what the format is)
