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Exercise 1 - Activity 5


In this activity, you will create a Data Visualization and add it to the page.


  1. Right click on the "Column 3" component in the component tree. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_1.png

  2. Click Add Component. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_3.png

  3. Select the Data Visualization component. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_4.png

  4. On the right, in the Component Configuration panel, change the name and ID.

    1. Name: My Items Data Viz
    2. ID: my_items_data_viz LAB2050_EX1A5_image_5.png
  5. Click Apply. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_6.png

  6. Under "Data visualization type", select Semi Donut from the options provided. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_7.png LAB2050_EX1A5_image_8.png

  7. Expand "Header and border" by clicking the down arrow. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_9.png

  8. Set the Chart Title to "My Items". LAB2050_EX1A5_image_10.png

  9. Expand "Data" by clicking the down arrow if it's not already expanded. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_11.png

  10. Click the Add a Data Source button. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_12.png

  11. In the top left corner, click on the "Search sources" input box. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_13.png

  12. Type "HR Case".

  13. Under the "Tables" category, select HR Case [sn_hr_core_case]. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_14.png

  14. Click Add custom conditions. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_15.png

  15. Fill in the condition editor as follows:

    1. Select Field: Assigned to LAB2050_EX1A5_image_16.png LAB2050_EX1A5_image_17.png

    2. Select Operator: is (dynamic) LAB2050_EX1A5_image_18.png

    3. Enter Value: Me LAB2050_EX1A5_image_19.png

  16. Click Add this source at the bottom right of the page. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_20.png

  17. Expand "Group by" by clicking the down arrow if it's not already expanded. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_21.png

  18. Click the pencil icon next to "Active" LAB2050_EX1A5_image_22.png

  19. Click the "Field for HR Case" dropdown. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_23.png

  20. Type "State" in the search bar.

  21. Click on the State option. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_24.png

  22. Click Apply. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_25.png

  23. Expand "No data message" by clicking the down arrow. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_26.png

  24. Toggle the "Set custom message when no data" field. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_27.png

  25. Change the "Heading" to say: "No more work!" LAB2050_EX1A5_image_28.png

  26. Click Save. LAB2050_EX1A5_image_29.png